Sharing the Love…

My husband and I attempted for several months to try and find a church or program that we both felt connected to and with God’s direction that led us to the doors of Common Ground on a Wednesday evening in July of 2015.  We both felt welcomed and at home the moment we entered. Common Ground is the moral support we need. We continue to attend because Pastor Tom has been amazing and truly opened our hearts and ears to listen to the word of God.
Steve and Jamie


Common Ground is the place where God’s grace embraces our brokenness.


Common Ground to me is connecting people to people with hearts full of hope, healing, faith, and love.  It is a beautiful journey we take together.


Common Ground (as its name) gives me an opportunity to blend two of my greatest beliefs:  AA principles and the teachings of Jesus Christ.


I attend Common Ground because it is a freeing experience on a weekly basis.  In my past religious experience I felt shamed and guilted into action.  At Common Ground we are all forgiven.


I came to Common Ground several years ago not looking for anything, but I found everything I didn’t know I was searching for.  I found a community who loves me even when I am tired after a long day.  I found people who say what they mean and mean what they say.  Being the true me has never been so easy as when I am here.


Call Pastor Tom for more info:


Atonement Lutheran Church | 5 Wyomissing Blvd., Wyomissing, PA 19610

Trinity Lutheran Church | 527 Washington St., Reading, PA 19601